is a city of temples. One of the most important and sacred temples is
the Bankey Bihari Temple, where one can expect to see devotees engaged
in simple acts of worship such as ecstatically clashing small cymbals
together as

they move in time to ancient rhythms. The Pagal Baba Temple has eleven
stories in all and is one of the more modern pieces of architecture.
Vrindavan is not actually where Krishna is believed to have been born,
it is here that he is said to have spent a great deal of time in play
and indulged in the playful act of hiding the clothes of cow herding
girls (the gopis) as they bathed in the rive. The river has now
meandered away and the woods that once flourished here have long since
disappeared although the town maintains some wooded parkland. The
details of Krishna's life have similarly been obscured by the myth that
now surrounds him. However, Krishna's validity as a historical figure is
borne out by ancient scriptures like the Mahabharata that records great
battles that were once waged in this region.
Climate The
climate of Vrindavan is tropical as most of the other places in North
Indian Gantetic planes. Summers from April to mid July are the worst
periods with excessive heat and humidity. Monsoon starts in the third
week of July and continues till mid September.
This is a great
respite from the heat but increases the level of humidity considerable.
The best time to visit Vrindavan is from October to March when the
climate is pleasant, temperature is considerably low especially during
the nights, and lots of festivals going on to keep you engaged. Other
important time to visit Vrindavan is August when Janmashtmi (birthday of
Lord Krishna) celebrations take place and entire Vrindavan and other
places in the region becomes absolute Krishna country.
- Bankey Bihari Temple
One of the most important and
vibrant temples is the Bankey Bihari, reached down an alleyway where
one can expect to see devotees engaged in simple acts of worship
such as ecstatically clashing small cymbals together as they move in
time to ancient rhythms. The Bankey Bihari Temple houses a sacred
image of Krishna known as Thakur Ji, which shows Krishna with an
almost blackened body. Devotees enter the shrine room carrying
garlands of flower petals and offer them to the spirit of the statue
as Brahmins move back and forth in front of the icon, occasionally
drawing across the curtain to shroud the object of devotion for a
moment. The curtain is then drawn back and a great cry of Thakur Ji
! issue forth from the crowd.
- ISKON Temple
One of the most impressive temples is
another new construction, the ISKON temple, which was built with
funds coming from devotees overseas. Here, the marble buildings
almost glow with a light of their own and there is evidence of
intricate carving. It owes its existence to Swami Prabhupada, a
Hindu devotee born in Bengal in 1896. Today, ISKON is a worldwide
movement with followers from many different ethnic backgrounds.